Lilijas ir vienas no karaliskajām puķēm, kurām ziedu galmā ir sevišķa, īpaša aura. Ar savu eleganci tās apvij jūniju, jūliju, augustu un vēlīnākās pat septembra sākumu.
Ir ļoti patīkami, ejot caur dārzu siltā vasaras vakarā, notvert liliju ziedu smaržas aromātu un visbeidzot ieraudzīt arī pašu skaistuli.
Lai lilijas, gadiem ejot, aizvien krāšņāk ziedētu, svarīgi ir izvēlēties piemērotu augšanas vietu. Stādīšanai ir jāizvēlas vieta, kurā agrāk lilijas, tām radniecīgi augi nav auguši. Vēlams stādīt atklātā vietā, kur rīta agrumā lilijas ātri vien uzmeklē saules stari un vēja pūsma izkliedē ras...
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Daylilies are not choosy in term of soil and raising place. They prefer a sunny place. It ensures more flowers and beautiful colours. Sunny place is more required for varieties with light-coloured blossoms, because the delicate pastel colouring stands out only when there is sufficient light. Poor-shading places are appropriated for varieties with dark colour flowers.
Before planting, the soil should be ameliorated 30 cm deep at least. Although daylilies are not choosy in term of soil, advisable pH must be 6.5. The intended ground for the plantation should be free of any perennial weeds, l...
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Peonies are garden plants for which the place of growing is very important, especially should bear in mind that every flower will show it’s true beauty in sunny place. Sunny and windswept places - these are the main conditions for peonies to grow. Soil should be well aerated, almost neutral.
The best time to plant peonies is in autumn or early spring, within the distance of 1 m from bush to bush. The soil should be not over 5 cm above plants bud. The place for planting should be up to 40 cm deep. Peonies should not be planted too deep - the plants will grow, but the flowers will be small....
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Siberian irises are cold-resistant plants and easiest cultivated irises. They flower after bearded irises. Strongly stems, elegant flowers, green leaves makes this irises a very beautiful plants in perennial planting beds. Just as well they fit into the landscape along the ponds. They are not afraid of moisture. Sibirian irises are perfect for cut flowers. The height of the Siberian irises are ranges between 40 cm and 1.5 m.
The strong leaves of the irises are charming throughout all growing season.
Siberian irises are not fastidious in requirements of soil, but they will be grateful for...
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Decorative, bright, healthy, small and large leaves - we are talking about hostas.
Hostas are shadow loving perennials. Shadow is needed to be able to see their true beauty. Hostas are one of most vigorous plants, they can grow in one place for many years, becoming more and more impressive. Form of leaves are circular, oval, like a heart and other. Flower colors are white and lavender, some varieties have a nice fragrance.
Hostas require fertile, middle-heavy soil with a pH 6. During growing period the soil should be wet, but with good drainage. Taller hostas grow very well also in loamy ...
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